Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wow. Has it really been 2 years? Remember in a previous post on this blog I mentioned that all too soon I'd be walking my children into Kindergarten? Well...that day is less than a month away. My sweet little boy is 5 years old and ready and raring to go to school. Well, at least one of us is ready for him to go.

The other day we were just bumming around the house and I looked over at him sitting quietly on the playing with this Skylander dog tag necklace. I thought to myself, "Where did my baby go?" He looks so grown up, yet he's still so small. Things come out of his mouth that make me feel stupid, yet he has so many brilliant questions that leave me in awe of how his little mind works.

We took him to orientation last week and he had the chance to play in the Adventure Club room with the other kids his age. He was nervous at first, then slowly started to realize it was going to be ok. He finally got into the games and toys with the other kids and was just fine. When it was time to go home, he was excited to go back when school started. I'm so happy that he is looking forward to school!

His sister, however, is a different story. I'm concerned at how she's going to react being without him for the first time. In fact, I don't think she's ever been without her brother aside from a few hours here or 1 night there. This is going to be a big change for all of us.

As I sit here typing, I realize my feelings are quite similar to my 5 year old's. I'm very nervous, but slowly starting to realize that it's going to be ok. We just need to get into a routine and learn what works for us and go with it.

It'll be ok.