I originally posted this on a blog that I keep for my son. I thought it would fit in nicely here just because I wrote it. :) Up until now, I've left our names out of my posts. I decided to leave them in since you'll probably figure them out eventually anyway.
This is the story of one adventure in DJ-land.
DJ likes Pixar animations…Cars, Monsters Inc, A Bug’s Life, etc. I was so excited when my husband found Toy Story and Toy Story 2 at the thrift store for $2 each! I loved the first one, still hadn’t seen the second one.
Remember VCRs? Yeah, we still have one. It’s a DVD player and VCR in one. That piece of machinery along with the magical moving picture box that sits just below it are the most amazing inventions ever. My husband, Gary, and I are tv-aholics so it was only a matter of time for our child to become one. Don’t get me wrong…we don’t just sit and watch TV all day. It’s just always on. We don’t always pay attention to it…that is, until a Pixar animation is playing in all its grandeur and glory.
Oh I wish I could go back and change time. Everyone always says “If I had known then…” well, this is one of those moments. I’d go back and slap myself silly for even thinking of putting that movie in the VCR. I’d give myself a carpet shock when I reached for the “play” button. I want to go back and remove the $4 from my husband’s wallet so he couldn’t buy the movies.
Why do I wish this stuff? Because now, I’m raising Buzz Lightyear. My precious little boy has gone to infinity and beyond more times that I can count. It’s a good thing that Buzz is a space man because DJ, ahem…Little Buzz, has seen a lot of stars.
It started out simple. Standing on a pillow on the floor and jumping off. Then he moved to the child-size chair that came with his table, followed by the hassock, then the couch, and then finally, the grand pooba of all furniture…the recliner. Children are forbidden to climb on this looming piece of furniture, but alas, therein lies the excitement apparently.
Last night, Little Buzz decided to climb onto the arm of the recliner, plant both knees firmly onto the arm, and lean forward. No arms out to brace the fall. Gary and I watched in horror as infinity stood still and froze us in time. Neither of us was able to get to him in time. It all happened too fast. He leaned forward. The sound that followed woke us from our stupor and we flew in after him. I’ve never heard that sound before. It sounded like a cross between eggs cracking and baseball bat hitting a ball. It was sickening.
Then Little Buzz screamed.
Gary got to him first. He grabbed our adventurous baby and picked him up. I tried to see what happened. Was there blood? Is his nose broken? Are his eyes still in place? Does he still have teeth? All of these things run through the mind of a panicked mother who’s seen one too many horror movies.
Finally, Gary turned around and I was able to see the damage. Nothing. No blood. Nose wasn’t broken. The only thing wrong with his eyes was that they were filled with tears and a Mother never wants to see that in her child. He looked at me through those tiny waterfalls and cried, “Mama!” He just had a small bruise right between his eyes and a broken ego. I sat with him most of the night to make sure there was no concussion. He was fine…he just had a headache the size of gamma quadrant in sector 4.
So, for now, and to use a phrase from the movie, Toy Story and Toy Story 2 have been shelved.
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